Solar panels generate electricity by converting sunlight into energy. They’re installed on a roof or other surface and connected to an inverter.

Depending on where you live, solar energy could save you money in the short-term and boost your home’s value. It also could help reduce emissions and climate change. Visit to learn more.
The cost of solar panels is becoming increasingly affordable due to manufacturing improvements and government investments. They are also available at a discount for homeowners thanks to the 30% federal tax credit. However, the price of solar panels can vary depending on how large a system is and the type.
Solar panels are a combination of silicon cells, metal frames, wiring elements and glass. They are usually backed with an insulative layer and coated in a protective film against excessive heat and humidity. There are two main types of solar panel systems: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Monocrystalline solar panels consist of one solid piece of silicon, making them more efficient but also more expensive. Polycrystalline solar panels, on the other hand, are made from many individual shards of silicon melted together. This makes them less efficient but cheaper than mono solar panels.
There are also a number of other factors that can affect the overall cost of a solar energy system, including installation labor and soft costs. Solar installation labor accounts for 10% to 20% of total solar power system costs, and other soft costs include interconnection fees and marketing expenses. A solar app like SolarAPP+ can streamline the permitting and interconnection process, lowering these costs.
Another important factor is your home’s location. Your roof must receive hours of unobstructed sunlight to maximize its performance. It’s also best if the roof is south-facing and has a slope that allows for maximum sun exposure. Lastly, you’ll want to consider the amount of electricity you use, as this will determine your savings and your solar payback period. A solar energy calculator can help you estimate your energy usage.
Energy Efficiency
Solar energy systems provide more than just savings on electricity bills. They also boost property values and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, they pay for themselves in less time than you might think. However, it’s important to consider the specifics of your situation before making a decision to invest in a solar system. You should first calculate the amount of electricity you use and then compare that to your energy costs.
Solar panels are typically made from crystalline silicon, a semiconductor capable of producing electricity when exposed to sunlight. The upper layer of the silicon is infused with phosphorus for a negative charge and the lower layer is infused with boron for a positive charge. When the sun hits the cells, it causes photons to bind with these electrons. This process is called the photovoltaic effect. Those free electrons then flow through the cell, creating an electric current.
These currents are then converted to AC by a solar inverter. If you’re using a grid-tied solar system, your surplus electricity is sent back to the utility grid. This excess is then used to offset the electricity you draw from the grid on cloudy days or at night.
The energy efficiency of a solar panel is determined by its conversion rate, or how much power it produces per unit of surface area. Solar panel technology has evolved in recent years to offer a wide range of conversion rates. However, the most efficient option is still monocrystalline. A monocrystalline panel consists of one solid sheet of silicon, which allows for more space for electrons to flow, leading to better efficiency. A polycrystalline panel, on the other hand, is constructed of many individual shards of silicon that are melted together for a cheaper cost.
If you’re considering solar panels for your home, it is important to keep them clean to maximize their performance. Regular cleaning and inspection can help your panels last longer and save you money on electricity bills. Generally, the best indicator that your solar panels need cleaning is a decrease in energy output.
To clean your solar panels, it is recommended that you use a soft brush or sponge and a mild detergent. You should also avoid using abrasive materials that could scratch the surface of your solar panels. If you have access to a hose, use this to rinse your solar panels after washing them. You can also use an extendable handle to reach difficult areas on your roof. Be sure to do a visual inspection of the bolts and mounting racks that hold your panels in place to make sure they are secure.
Most solar panel companies recommend a cleaning schedule of two to four times per year. They will usually provide a maintenance checklist and advice for proper cleaning methods. Depending on the location of your solar panels, it may be necessary to clean them more frequently. For example, if you live in an area with high humidity or frequent rain, your solar panels might need to be cleaned more often.
Other indicators that your solar panels need cleaning include a drop in power production or an unusual noise. A green monitor light that is not flashing may also indicate a problem. If you notice any of these issues, it is important to take care of them as soon as possible. Otherwise, they can reduce your solar panel’s efficiency and lead to higher electricity bills.
Life Expectancy
Solar panels can last for many years, and it is not uncommon for them to continue producing energy even after they reach the end of their lifespan. In the United States, there are no major regulations regarding the disposal of solar panels that don’t meet the standards for hazardous waste. Most of the time, these solar panels are recycled into newer systems or melted down to produce metals like copper and aluminum.
One of the biggest factors in determining the longevity of your solar panels is the amount of maintenance you perform on them. For example, removing dirt and dust on a regular basis can reduce the number of microcracks in the silicon. These cracks limit the path electrons from sunlight take to get to your inverter, which can lower efficiency levels.
Another factor is the weather, which can cause physical damage to solar panels. For instance, strong winds can harm the anti-reflective surface of a solar panel and can also lead to frame corrosion. Heavy snowfall can also harm the panels, causing them to lose structural integrity. Additionally, rain and humidity can damage the frame of a solar panel and contaminate the crystalline silicon surface.
Keeping your solar panels free of debris will help to extend their lifespans, and it will also make them more efficient. You should remove all debris like fallen tree branches and heavy snow from your panels to prevent them from causing damage to the system. Additionally, you should consider using critter guards to keep animals like squirrels and birds from damaging the panels and wiring. In addition, you should clean your solar panels regularly to ensure that the process of converting sunlight into energy is as effective as possible.
Net Metering
When a solar energy system generates more electricity than is used, the excess is fed back into the local power grid through a net metering process. When this happens, the homeowner receives credit on their electricity bill for each kilowatt-hour of energy that is sent to the grid. This allows them to use the grid as a backup source of power at night or during times of peak demand, such as when the sun is not shining.
Depending on where you live, there are several different types of net metering policies in place. The most common is called “1-for-1 net metering.” Under this policy, every kilowatt-hour of electricity that you send to the grid can be redeemed for one kilowatt-hour of electricity you draw from the grid. This is a great way to offset your energy costs and provide clean, renewable power to the grid.
Other states have more complex net metering policies in place. For example, New York has a statewide net metering program that is designed to help the state meet its ambitious sustainability goals. In addition to one-for-one net metering, the state also offers a variety of other solar incentives.
While it is important to understand the details of your state’s net metering policy, there are some general rules that apply across the country. For example, all solar customers must get an inspection and approval from their utility company before they can start producing power. The utility will then install a bi-directional meter that records the electricity your solar panel system produces and consumes.
Additionally, most utilities only compensate solar customers for the excess electricity that they generate. This compensation is generally based on the price of electricity that they charge their customers, though some have implemented market rate net metering systems in which the value of excess generation is based on the current market price of electricity.